Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I know, I know. My title sounds like a tagline. But it encapsulates the entire idea of my entry for this week. I received this email from my dad and it was entitled "Computer Addicts". It had pictures depicting just what happens when one becomes too immersed in the computer world. For one thing, your computer becomes your enabler. Another, you tend to forget your basic hygiene. And for the die-hard types, you just can't go anywhere without it. I suppose some would say that it would be hard to blame them seeing as how they have a whole world in there. They can access everything there - online shops, e-books, how-to pages, online chatrooms, so on and so forth. You can just order and it will just be delivered to your house, without you having to go through all the hassle of driving through traffic, looking for parking spaces and jostling through the crowds for what you want. Nope. Now, all that can be done form the comfort of your own home. AS the end of the e-mail said, "Computer users NEVER die. They just go offline."

Of course, things do have a tendency to get out of hand. But I think that these pictures may be exaggerated.

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