Thursday, July 14, 2011

ill(legal) (b)logging

On how I got converted...


I dreamt about losing my teeth last night, so I started blogging.

I thought the message was pretty straightforward,

i.e., that I have to be more serious about brushing my teeth.

Then it hit me: I need to do more than brushing, gurgling, flossing...

I have to start blogging.

I have to speak before I lose them.


And so that was me, nx years ago.
And this is me now, with well developed teeth, waiting for my wisdom tooth to grow.
It’s funny how bipolar blogging is.
It claims to be the ultimate broadcast machine for the loud and open and yet pinkie swears the unwilling into secrethood. Crazy as it is, I was one of those who grabbed blogging’s pinkie. And I’ve never let go ever since.

Crisela Bernardino (entry#4)

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