Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Who owns your personal information?

Google+ now has ten million users, no thanks to Facebook. The latter has been making it difficult for its users to reconstruct their contact list in another social network (particularly Google+).

The collection, storage and access of data in the Internet is governed by information privacy principles (APEC Privacy Principles or OECD Guidlines, depending on where you’re located). These principles ensure that the data a person provides personal controllers (those who store, access and/or process data) will not be misused, and that said person shall remain in control with the amount of data he or she gives, the accuracy of such data and who can have access to it.

Can these principles be expanded or be made basis to allow users to transfer their data from one social network to another? Or are what some pundits say true -- does Facebook really own the personal information you upload there?

-- Ma. Alexandria Ixara B. Maroto, fourth post

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