Thursday, January 7, 2010

Has the entire world gone KSP?

It seems that the interconnectedness the developments in technology brought mankind has given way to the advent, if not worsening, of people being Kulang Sa Pansin (KSP). All the social networking sites, blogs, and other what-have-yous have comment-taking capabilities, presumably for constructive criticisms and feedback. Posting comments is even encouraged, ideally to foster sharing, improvement, and advancement. Technology is even brought in just to make comment-posting as convenient and user-friendly as possible. However, it now appears that most of these avenues for constructive feedback are being used just to attract attention of any kind and form.

Posting things online now seem to have no other purpose than to attempt to shift the attention of anyone capable of giving it to the person posting. It is no longer pursuant to sharing relevant information, however minute or useful, to the world. It has become a venue to rant to the world and hopefully get some sort of reaction from people who either genuinely care or have nothing else to do. It has become a place to shout to the general public what one had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, AND two snacks, which corner of one’s desk is the best to put the framed picture of one’s dog, and basically the per-hour schedule of one’s day just to show that one is, indeed, “busy”. All these “updates” are done in hopes of soliciting some form of reaction from anyone. Worse are those who post things who do not even long for an overt response, but are satisfied already with just knowing that that tiny bit of information has reached a certain person out there.


1 comment:

Owen Ricalde said...

swear. if you are on twitter, yun ang ultimate KSP. siyempre ang active dun ang LAHAT ng celebrities and wannabe celebrities. attention attention attention galore. but if you're on the opposite side as a cyber stalker, such as me, naku. to be fair masaya din :) i get my daily dose of chismis for free and first hand info agad.