Saturday, January 30, 2010

Where has all the suspense gone?

by desmayoralgo (entry #9)

One generation ago, a person would have gone on at least two dates before figuring out what his potential girlfriend's favorite band was. Today, you don't even have to meet the person to find out. All you have to do is go on Facebook, and the information is right there. (Or if that person is a little more...private, find a common friend and ask that friend to do the cyberstalking for you).

Yeah, it's brilliant. But doesn't it take the suspense and excitement out of the whole experience? So when she says, "Isn't Elephant the most fascinating movie ever?" You'd pretend to know and reply, "Yeah, Gus Van Sant is a genius!"

But okay, leaving information, like your favorite football team is United and you love the Backstreet Boys, that's okay. Email? Well, to a certain extent, I guess that's fine. But leaving your home address, your cellular phone number, your landline number? Well, then you're looking for trouble. Do not discount people's propensity for stalking.


Cha Mendoza said...

My dad asked me one time how to see the email of his friend via Facebook (since there's usually an emailed notification if there's updates on your page), as he did not like using social-networking sites (he's more content to using their yahoogroups as a medium for connecting with them). But the email address was not on the homepage of his friend so he was forced to use Facebook to connect to that friend (haha).

But personally I don't put my email address on homepages. It's a little weird when people you don't know suddenly emails you or pops a chat message asking you how you are (friendly but creepy).

Owen Ricalde said...

cyberstalking has its perks rin if you want to find a person na nagtatago and u really want to reach that person. hehe.