Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Celebrity Nation

So I know I should have been studying last night but instead I found myself watching Lindsay Lohan break down as the judge sentenced her to 90 days in jail for violation of her probation. Yup, TMZ caught the whole riveting proceeding on tape (or on their digital cameras) and promptly posted it on their site getting millions of hits by the end of the day. I actually felt kind of sorry for her. It’s a classic case of too much, too fast (Ok so maybe I’ve been watching too much E! True Hollywood Story).

On the internet, "the comings and goings of celebrities are as available as whether reports" i.e. Jodie Foster threw out her trash yesterday while Brad and Angelina went grocery shopping at Walmart. I read that JFK was actually inflicted with the crippling Addison’s disease and yet he was (at least on pictures) the quintessential image of a young virile healthy male. It turns out pictures of him in crutches or stretchers were never published as part of an elaborate scheme to hide his illness from the public. In the age of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr that would have been entirely impossible. Oh the price of celebrity!

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