Thursday, January 15, 2009

Access: Granted or Denied?

Today’s highly technological world presents us with countless opportunities for coming together, not only with our own families, friends and peers, but with virtually anyone who has access to technology across the globe.

And this is where the problem begins. I believe this, too, is where it must all end. However way we see it, access to technology is at its heart. Without access to it, it is rendered useless and inoperative.

As a citizen of the Philippines, a developing country with more than half of its population living well below the poverty line, I find myself in a quandary in this regard. With the limitless and continuously growing flexibility and convergence technology has to offer, what can we, as a developing nation, do to assure our citizens that we can keep up with global technological trends? The answers are plentiful, but the roads leading to them may be long and winding. We must, however, begin the journey somewhere, and soon.

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