Thursday, January 15, 2009


This boy committed “bullycide”.

After being the subject of nasty rumors on the internet, he decided to take his life. Bullying reached a whole new level as compared to when I was in elementary or high school. In one of my posts, I talked about how my friend just waged war against this girl over the internet and how I pity that girl because she received loads of hate messages from our other friends.

For the sake of argument, if she decided to kill herself because of the nasty things being said to her over the internet, would my friends be guilty of an offense? Would we recognize “cyber bullying” as another form of crime? Would it bring about a cause of action?

I feel bad for Ryan Halligan. Because of the mental torture that he endured over the internet, he decided to end his life. Here in the Philippines, I still think that our bullies use the traditional method of oppression, but slowly, as we all become connected in this borderless world, our bullies might resort to a more high-tech way of making the lives of their victims miserable.
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