Thursday, January 15, 2009

blogging the blogosphere

Having spun my wheels spending the better half of the day trying to conjure up an entry topic, I got to thinking about why people even bother reading blogs. Do those 100 million readers actually give a hoot about Perez Hilton's take on last night's American Idol episode?

Some studies suggest that avid blog readers aren't drawn in so much by content, but become slaves to the blogosphere out of sheer habit. It's like when most of us turn on the TV and mindlessly channel surf for hours, all the while complaining that there's nothing good on. Every night.

But while the passiveness of TV lulls us into complacency, blogging offers a more interactive setting, with a wider content base and the added ability of commenting on or creating new content. How many times have you just wanted to smack Rachael Ray upside the head for saying "Yum-O"? Now you can blog your slanderous rantings, which is the next best thing. Or, as in the recent Pangandaman incident, put an egotistical mayor to justice through viral journalism.

Still, most any daft trolling attention whore can make a living out of blogging about nothing nowadays and get away with it. 

There, 200 words.

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