Thursday, January 29, 2009

Not facility but access

As an online shopper (for clothes and accessories mostly) my primary consideration in engaging these e-stores is not the realiability or security of the transaction but the sourcing of unique and quirky goods. I suppose that security isn't much of a consideration since i prefer to do meet-ups. The kuripot in me refuses to accept the idea that i will pay for shipping within the Philippines. Going for a meet-up ensures that i see the goods before i pay for it. But then again, my brother (the pro ebay-er) says that to meet-up defeats the purpose of the online transaction since we still have to ultimately "transact" face to face.

I don't think so. For me, the very purpose of engaging in online trade is not the facility of buying (I LOVE SHOPPING. I LOVE VISITING THE STORES! Nothing beats the real thing and being able to experience the merchandise!!!) but in the ACCESS. It is the access to more sources of merchandise, access to specific items, access to unique items. Most of the online traders/sellers purchase their items abroad or online as well. They are the ones who probably bear the brunt of security concerns... but at the same time, they are also the ones who make a profit off buyers like me. High risk, high return I suppose.

For me, the online shops serve the purpose I want it to. I won't buy an LV online - where's the fun in that? But the last pair of backlined fishnet stockings I picked up, now THAT was a damn good find online. :)

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