Thursday, February 26, 2009


As the Oscars fever is still in the air, I was surfing the internet just this morning to read about the movies nominated in the Oscars. As I google the titles of nominated films, I chanced upon a website called . At first I thought it was like a Wikipedia for Hollywood movies where you can find reviews about old, recent as well as upcoming Hollywood films plus some trailers for movies to watch out for. To my delight, as it turned out, it was actually a website where you could watch movies in full! Even the movies that are yet to be shown can be watched there and FOR FREE!

Since I am a student of the law, as usual, the thoughts that ran through my mind after my excitement were first of all, is this thing legal? Why is it that producers of these movies are allowing this website to show their products even ahead of their scheduled showing? Aren't they worried that this will erode their revenues? Or are they even aware of the existence this website?

I tried to make some research about this website and found nothing that would somehow answer my queries. The website itself does not contain any information that indicate who owns it and what is it really for. Another intriguing question that I ask to myself is: How do the owners of this website obtain the videos in the first place?

Well, I can only speculate about these questions. But as of now, I will just enjoy these freebies while they last.

Raymond R. Roque

1 comment:

Duck said...

I was wondering this too... It seems like Davidmovie doesn't actually host the movies themselves but just provide links to other people's sites. If the movies have then been illegally uploaded, it is not clear to me if Davidmovie is also breaking the law here. The internet can be so confusing!
