Thursday, February 19, 2009

It was Love at First Site

A year or two ago, I remember hearing on the news about a guy (Patrick Moberg) in New York City who saw his dream girl (Camille Hayton) on the subway. As I remember it, they had a “moment” in the train, locking eyes with each other. The guy didn’t get an opportunity to approach the girl as she got off in the next station and was lost to the exiting crowd. When he got home he created a website, NY, and posted a sketch of the girl, asking that if anyone knows who the girl was to please contact him. Amazingly enough people started responding to the site. The New York Post and Good Morning America even ran the story. Weeks later, an intern where the girl worked finally finally figured it out and contacted the guy. Before he knew it, the two of them were dating. (Aawww)
The story stuck with me. It reminds me that real life can be as romantic as the movies and books. (In fact it reminded me of the movie “On the Line” except t the guy used a billboard to find the girl.) It makes remember about your own “what if” moment and how a little effort and courage could change your life.
As it is the season of romance I thought I’d look up how the couple is doing. I am sad to report they broke up last July 2008. But hey at least both of them will never have to wonder “what if.

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